CoverGirl Clump Crusher Rave

I have used CoverGirl's Clump Crusher for sometime now.  I heard about it from Shannon Farrell.  She used this product for awhile but has since moved on from it.  I bet if you asked her favorite drug store brand, she'd tell you this one!

I wanted to try this, since I am on a budget and attempting to be thrifty.  She was right, it works fantastic.  I have oily skin and well usually mascara ends up all over my eyes and I look like a raccoon.  I also have serious dark circles under my eyes.  Other mascaras only define it even more. 

The review on this was pretty nice!  I have to add a few things about the product.

1.  It's a dryer formula.  
     This means it's not wet and messy.  
2.  Add layers.  
     I can let it dry and it won't clump up giving me spider legged lashes!
3.  It's easy to remove.
     I don't like rubbing my eyes to get mascara off.  This comes off easily with makeup wipes or with      face wash.
4.  With tax, it's less than $10.00 USD, depending on where you get it.  
     I try to buy from Wal-Mart since their return policy is good.  If you tried and hated it, it's all good!

So if anyone else has tried this, please leave your comments of how you liked/disliked this product!

Until next time, stay beautiful.

